
So I’ve entered the vast world of blogs!! After following blogs religiously for about a year I’ve decided I want to share a little myself. In the blog world I’m a wannabe Zoella who loves makeup, fashion, and design. I would LOVE it if you would stick around and watch what I try and pass off as artsy 🙂 In addition to sharing little favorites from my small but thoughtful collection of clothes and makeup, I’m also gonna be sharing some things from the heart.

Today is April 14, 2015. It seems like a random day to start a blog. But today life happened and someone who I thought was a good friend turned out to be hurtful enough to make me start a blog. For a long time, I’ve been feeling out of place and confused in this world. There’s a quote from One Tree Hill that describes my latest emotions perfectly.

“Sometimes I feel incredibly disconnected, really uncomfortable in my own skin, or kind of like I don’t fit into this world. Like I was born at the wrong time and I don’t belong.” – Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill is on Netflix and I highly recommend!)

I know this is a common feeling but its a scary one and somehow sharing makes me feel a little better. Anyways pleaseeeeee bear with me as I try to create this site! If you’re reading this, I love you 🙂


6 thoughts on “Hi.

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere lovely! I can’t wait to read more from you 🙂 I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other! I hope you’ll enjoy blogging as much as we all do here ❤


  2. Hey! 🙂
    Welcome to the world of blogging!
    I just wanted to wish you good luck and happy blogging!
    Remember to have fun 😉

    I think it’s great that you started writing a blog – it’s always fun to see ‘new’ faces around the blogosphere (not that I’m an expert or anything) and also, it’s a great way to get the negativity out of your system. 🙂

    I can’t wait to read more from you! 😀



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